Automate SMS sending from your Android phone
What is this ?
This service lets you send SMS programmatically (like Twilio) using your own phone and SIM card.
You can also ask other people to give you their code, and then you'll be able to send sms messages using their
phone and SIM card.
Why should I use this ?
- In France, for 2€, you can send 33 SMS with Twilio or send 2000+ SMS using a consumer plan and your own phone.
- The sender ID is simply your own number, so you will receive replies from customers
- The SMS this app sends will appear in your regular "messages" app, combined with the ones you sent manually
Automatic sending
If you just want to send SMS using your phone, install the app, connect it above and then send SMS by making a
POST request to the /sendSMS endpoint with the longToken, to and text fields set.
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST \
--data '{"to":"+33600000000","text":"hello world","longToken":"[your longToken]"}' \
Automatic connection
If you have your own web app, you can use this service to send SMS from other people's phones.
- Wait for one send to finish before sending the next one.
- If the message sending times out, try an hour later, the phone might simply be offline.
- This app is not battle-tested and might be quite buggy still.
- There is no guarantee that this app will keep working in the future
- Everything that goes through the API is logged for diagnostic and abuse detection
- This app only writes to mobile numbers from the SIM's country.
- This app only uses the default SIM (no dual SIM support)
- The API accepts urlencoded and json payloads
- This app will try to guess the country code if not provided.
- Most consumer plans are limited to 200 SMS correspondents per month.
- Made by Renan LE CARO in France